سياسات ريڤايڤا

At Global Environmental Management Services – REVIVA, we believe in sustainable development and are committed to effective management of health & safety as an integral part of our business. The health and safety of our employees and stakeholders who may be impacted by the company’s operations is of utmost importance, therefore our aims are set as:

  • No harm to people
  • No damage to Assets and Reputation of Company

With the purpose to achieve our aims we commit to the following:

  • Comply with applicable national, regional, and local Health & Safety regulations and statutory obligations and other requirements as appropriate.
  • The company develops, implements, and maintains OHS management systems aligned with our sustainable commitments, beliefs, and consistent with world- class standards.
  • Prevent injury and ill health to the company’s employees and contractor’s employees by providing a safe and healthy work environment and by minimizing risks associated with occupational hazards.
  • Promote a positive OHS culture within our organization through effective communication, participation, and consultation with employees in the workplace.
  • Detailed and regularly updated risk assessments, in order to identify and eliminate, or minimize effectively any risks and hazards related to the working environment and the nature of company activities, using the hierarchy of controls.
  • Implement regular health surveillance and risk-based monitoring of all employees.
  • Influence our contractors and suppliers to adopt principles and practices adopted by us in accordance with our own policies.
  • Communicate with all our stakeholders on the progress and performance of OHS management.
  • Continuous and rigorous training for all our employees to enhance OHS culture and awareness.
  • Continual improvement of the OHS management system to enhance the organization’s OHS performance.


The responsibility to comply with our Health & Safety policy lies on all personnel of REVIVA as well as contractors and vendors that may be involved in our operations. The content and robustness of implementation of this policy will be reviewed periodically and revised accordingly and includes sharing best practices throughout the Company. We will also measure progress against this policy and review performance on a periodic basis to ensure ongoing management of Health & Safety.




       Engr. Badr Alhathloul                                                                                                 June 2023

Acting Chief Operating Officer

REVIVA is committed to providing our customers with service and products of the highest possible level of quality. To achieve this, we continually improve processes, products and services, meeting, and exceeding customer satisfaction. As a part of this strive, REVIVA established following Quality objectives:

  • Meet or exceed customer satisfactions on at least 90% of the services provided.
  • Minimize customers’ complaints of the services provided.

As a part of our Quality objectives and continuous improvement strategy we hereby commit to perform the following:


  • Fully identify and conform to the needs of our customers, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Monitor and review our service provision and processes, identifying potential errors and implementing the necessary actions to eliminate them.
  • Provide required staff training, promoting a ‘do it right first time’ attitude towards quality.
  • Forge partnerships with our suppliers and major players in the Private and Public Sectors to ensure optimum business performance. We also ensure that our suppliers and partners that may be used in the delivery of our services also comply with our quality philosophy and company policies.
  • Achieving and maintaining a standard of excellence in the operation of our business.
  • Maintaining our reputation for honesty and integrity and ensuring that this is reflected throughout the organization.
  • Providing sufficient resources and equipment to ensure that we can operate to the documented management system. The management system is based on the principles of the International Standard for Quality Management System.
  • Ensuring that our quality management system provides a framework for the management and control of our activities for Quality, Environment and Health & Safety. It also assists in establishing and reviewing strategic objectives for the company.
  • Ensuring that all company policies and procedures approved and supported by senior management.
  • Continually monitoring and reviewing our Quality Policy to ensure that it remains relevant and effective to the changing needs of our customers.
  • Continuous appraisal of our business to ensure that the quality of service we provide meets our customers’ expectations and all current and impending legislative and applicable requirements.
  • The effectiveness of our quality system is monitored by planned audits, management reviews and customer satisfaction surveys to ensure quality service delivery.


The responsibility to implement this Quality Policy rests on the Board of Directors of REVIVA, who will monitor the effectiveness of this policy and its associated initiatives. The compliance to our Quality Policy is the responsibility of all staff members, with overall accountability residing with the Board of Directors. This Quality Policy Statement will be displayed prominently and access to the complete Quality Manual detailing procedures will be available on the premises for reference by any employee.




        Engr. Badr Alhathloul                                                                                                    June 2023

Acting Chief Operating Officer

REVIVA is committed to environmental stewardship based on careful work planning, diligent implementation, thoughtful assessment of performance and a desire to improve over a time. We recognize that improper implementation of our activities and provision of services may result in disturbances to our natural environment. Accordingly, our Environmental Objectives are set as below:

  • Prevent the spills and serious impacts on environment while performing our activities.
  • Enhance Environmental Oriented Culture

As a part of our objectives, we contribute to the protection of the environment and the sustainable development of our host communities, and we commit to the following:

  • Fully comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and other compliance obligations.
  • Establish, implement, maintain, and make available to interested parties an environmental part of Integrated Management System (IMS) that clearly defines environmental requirements with the aim of enhancing REVIVA’ environmental performance and achievement of environmental objectives.
  • REVIVA support customers better, manage their waste, and safeguard the environment through strategic partnerships and by deploying best-in-class talent and technologies to achieve operational excellence in every step of the value chain.
  • Provide employee training to enhance environmental awareness of our staff, this ensures environmental issues are considered when managing our premises and planning, implementing and undertaking all projects.
  • Protect the environment by applying proven management practices to prevent pollution and mitigates impacts.
  • Conserve natural resources, through adopting environmentally friendly and energy efficient technology and process improvements. The Company is committed to managing waste of our operations and we adopt the principles of waste avoidance, reuse, recycling, and beneficial utilization to minimize discharge and disposal to the environment.
  • Ensure that company leadership and its people clearly understand, support, and maintain Environmental management through periodic evaluations of the system’s performance.
  • Provide our managers and supervisors the authority and resources necessary to implement this Policy and associated environmental standards, procedures, and practices.
  • Make spillage and pollution prevention a prerequisite for all operations and activities.
  • Ensure that suppliers, dealers, and other business partners within our business sphere are in line or adopt the principles in this Policy and REVIVA’ IMS.
  • Monitor and strive to reduce the emissions from our fuel operated equipment and vehicles as well as noise control and prevent the significant impact on environment.
  • Engage in continual improvement of the Environmental management to ensure its ongoing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness to achieve its intended outcomes.

The REVIVA’s environmental programs and their results shall be communicated in a transparent manner. Each business entity is responsible for implementing action programs based on this policy. The effectiveness of implementation shall be monitored by conducting internal and external audits and improvement to be monitored.


        Engr. Badr Alhathloul                                                                                                June 2023

          Acting Chief Operating Officer